At WGNSTAR, we believe that health and safety is everyone’s job. Whether on-site at a client facility or in one of our corporate offices, we are dedicated to instilling a...
Developing New Career Opportunities for US Military Spouses
At WGNSTAR, we take pride in supporting veterans and military families. Through our recent U.S. Department of Defense Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP), we are committed to providing meaningful employment...
Mitigating the Continuing Semiconductor Workforce Shortage
The semiconductor workforce, which is estimated at more than two million direct semiconductor employees worldwide in 2021, will need to grow by more than one million additional skilled workers by...
Alternative Career Paths Help Meet Semiconductor Workforce Needs
Westerwood Global is grateful for the opportunity to serve as a guest contributor on the SEMI Blog to discuss alternative career paths, e.g., Managed Workforce Services, and how they help...
Advancing Diversity in the Semiconductor Industry
Westerwood Global is constantly striving toward a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace, which we believe allows our company to operate at its strongest. With a variety of experiences, backgrounds,...
Westerwood Global Supports Veterans
There are more than 18 million veterans living in the U.S. today and countless nonprofit organizations dedicated to honoring and improving their lives. As a very large, diverse population there...
Communication, Engagement, and Safety Success
Effective communication is key to achieving a healthy, safe, and productive workplace. It allows us to properly define roles and responsibilities, highlight and respond quickly to potential hazards, and create...
Fostering a Commitment to Health at Westerwood Global
World Health Day is a global health awareness initiative celebrated on the 7th of April every year under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). This year’s theme “Our...
Westerwood Global sponsors Local Teams
In the communities that surround our business operations, we support individual and group sponsorships for local sports and those that are vulnerable in society. We emphasize our sponsorship on youth....